A critical mass of Papuan leaders rich in Godly character, serving Papua. A strong Papuan education system accessible to all Papuans.
Papua Hope’s Vision is twofold. First, we desire to see Papuan men and women acting as servant leaders, rooted in the Gospel, directing all paths of Papua — government, business, education, etc. Our current programming and movement towards a U.S-accredited associates degree path will continue to prepare Papua’s best and brightest to go abroad, and return to lead in all areas of Papua. A critical mass of leaders can be achieved through quality before quantity. The direction of leadership in Papua may at first be determined by a small few, deeply rooted in Godly character, with a posture of servant leadership.
Second, as PHLI grows and expands, we desire to see all Papuans have access to appropriate. life changing education. This will be realized through creating a Teachers College that trains and equips Papuan teachers and administrators to go out across Papua and fill the classrooms that today sit empty.
These two sides of the same vision are symbiotic — realizing a healthy, internally directed education system requires a critical mass of local leaders of character, but sustaining leadership and expanding the vision of servant leadership across all areas of Papua is only possible if there is a healthy education system.
Papua Hope is positioned to impact both sides of this vision — today preparing servant leaders, and tomorrow training teachers.