Dorms and Residence Life

Welcome to Papua Hope Dorms and Residence Life! Our motto and mission for dorm life at PHLI is to serve Papuan youth and assist them in building Character that is disciplined, creative, dares to be different, dares to lead, and has a desire to serve others and fear God.
Our current (NEW DORMS COMING!) Papua Hope dorms consist of two dorm buildings. Each dorm houses up to fourteen students as well as their RA (Resident Assistant) or DP (Dorm Parents).
Our dorms are each set up with a family home feel that fosters a close community atmosphere.
Dorm facilities include one spacious kitchen with a complete kitchen set. A dining room with two large dining tables. A lounge room in the main area. It also includes a storage room and laundry room. In each dorm, students have access to wireless internet.
Dorm rooms are furnished with desks, beds, and closets.